Service Level Agreements

Our standard Service Level Agreements (SLAs) define how we respond to your issues and requests. They reflect our reliability, efficiency and confidence in the support that we provide.

ICT Support, Managed Support & Managed Support+


Service Level Agreements (SLAs) essentially represent our promise to deal with your ICT issues and requests within a given time frame.

They show that we have an efficient and mature process for providing IT support and that you can have confidence in us.

SLAs also allow us to manage expectations.

To contact support –  GO HERE


Standard Hours of Cover

While some of you may have extended and out-of-hours of Support, our standard cover runs from:

Remote Support – 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (GMT/BST), from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays for England.

Onsite Support – 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (GMT/BST), from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays for England.

For managed service+ customers, our monitoring service runs 24x7x365 and significant issues are dealt with proactively by our helpdesk team.

Our SLA timers run only during your agreed hours of cover.

How we work out priorities

Our SLA timers also depend on the priority of your issue or request. When you raise a ticket with us, we assess based on the information you have given us.

We let you know the priority we have assigned but are happy to take extenuating circumstances into account if you think we’ve got it wrong.

Priorities are based on two factors: urgency and impact.


Roughly, this is how many people are affected by the incident, e.g.

  • LOW – one person or small group of people affected
  • MEDIUM – department or a large group of people affected
  • HIGH – whole organisation is affected


Again, roughly speaking, this relates to how disruptive the incident is, e.g.

  • LOW – there’s an easy and effective workaround, so this is more an irritation than a stoppage
  • MEDIUM – operational efficiency is degraded, but there is either a reasonable workaround or other members of the team are unimpeded
  • HIGH – the issue is critical and one or more major business processes are stopped

We then apply our priority matrix

High Urgency Medium Urgency Low Urgency
High Impact Priority 1 Priority 1 Priority 2
Medium Impact Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3
Low Impact Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4


In our experience most issues fall into priority 3, so that tends to be a default. The priority assigned dictates the amount of time we give ourselves to deal with your incident or request.